Welcome to Digital Ascension II.

This performance will guide you through a series of experiences and exercises which will challenge your idea of the body and the self.

One of these challenges is to discover a new internet avatar.

To help you with this, we ask that you put your faith in the Moonlight Society and its spiritual guides and grant us temporary permission to access your account.

You can revoke this access following the performance.

To assist us with this task please login to your Facebook and complete the following tasks:

1. Add Laura Luna as a friend.

2. Create a new temporary password.

3. Message Laura with your new temporary password.

By sending this temporary password, you grant the Moonlight Society and its associates temporary permission to your account and we promise to act in a spirit of healing in regards to any actions we may take. The Moonlight Society promises to guide you in a once in a lifetime journey of the self. You must also agree that you will enter into the performance with a spirit of love, joy, and kindness. You must do no harm or malice to others, be it their digital or physical selves, along your journey.

If you are ready to accept your journey to a higher state,

please listen to the audio message, and then click the crystal to continue.

click to continue